Paratransit Services:
All of our transit buses are lift equipped for wheelchairs and or other mobility aids and may be accessed at any designated transit stop. For any passenger who is unable to get to a transit stop then a Para-transit van may be scheduled for a next day pick-up. Para-transit van reservations may be made by calling (865) 453-6444. Our Para-transit van service is an origin to destination service for the mobility impaired resident or visitor staying anywhere within the city limits of Pigeon Forge or anywhere within ¾ of a mile of any Fun Time Trolley route, which ever applies.
Permanent residents planning on using the Para-Transit van service must submit an “ADA Para-Transit eligibility application” to the Pigeon Forge Mass Transit Office, 236 Old Mill Avenue, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863. These application forms are available at the same location. The certification process shall be waived for visitors staying no more than 21 consecutive days.
Drivers are permitted to assist the wheelchair passenger on and off the lifts as needed. All wheelchairs and mobility aids are required to be strapped down (secured) while in transit buses or Para-Transit vans.
ADA Paratransit Application
The Para-Transit van fare is $1.00 per person each way. (One personal care attendant shall be permitted to ride free while accompanying a passenger with limited mobility)
Information on the Fun Time Trolley routes will be provided in large print upon request to the Fun Time Trolley office.
TTY Telephone Information:
Hearing-impaired callers may contact the Pigeon Forge Mass Transit though the Tennessee Relay Center, by calling 800-848-0298.
Information is available in alternative formats upon request. Interpreting services are available through Pigeon Forge Mass Transit office staff - phone 865-453-6444. Hearing impaired callers may contact Pigeon Forge Mass Transit through the Tennessee Relay Center, by calling 800-848-0298. Translation of our services is available in multiple languages on our website Our goal is to reduce language barriers of persons with limited English Proficiency (LEP). Pigeon Forge Mass Transit operates without regard to race, color, or national origin.
Reasonable Modifaction Requests and ADA Complaint Process of Persons with Disablilities
City of Pigeon Forge Mass Transit is committed to providing equal access and opportunity to qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, services, and activities. In some cases, individuals with disabilities may need reasonable modifications to policies and procedures to ensure access to transit services. City of Pigeon Forge Mass Transit will take appropriate steps to ensure that persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate.
To request a reasonable modification of an existing City of Pigeon Forge Mass Transit service or policy, individuals should contact:
Eric Brackins, Assistant City Manager
3221 Rena Street, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Please contact Eric Brackins, Assistant City Manager above to discuss your requirements.
Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) including but not limited to obtaining a reasonable modification may file a complaint by contacting Eric Brackins, Assistant City Manager whose contact information is listed above.
Click here for ADA Complaint Form.