Sanitation Department
Bud McCarter, Supervisor
P.O. Box 1350
2320 Garland Harmon Drive, Suite 308C
Pigeon Forge, TN 37868
Phone: 865-429-7334
Fax: 865-429-7334
Click Here to use Waste Wizard
Commercial Collection Service
Residential Curbside Collection
For information on bear prevention please visit BearWise
Holiday Schedule for City of Pigeon Forge Sanitation
Commercial: Commercial will run as scheduled except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s if scheduled on these days it will either be collected the day before or the day after the holiday.
Residential: will run as scheduled except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day if scheduled on these days it will be collected the day after.
If you have any questions feel free to contact our Public Works Department at 865-429-7312.
Boxes out for collection must be broken down and bagged.
Commercial Collection Service
Collection Types & Purchase Price
95 gallon roll cart $71.60
8 Yard Trash Dumpster $1,399.31
8 Yard Cardboard Dumpster $1,416.87
*** Dumpsters and Carts are bid out yearly. Pricing may change,
please call the Public Works Office for current price 865-429-7312 ***
Commercial Collection Rates
Business with Cart $ 4.00 per pick up
Business with Cardboard Dumpster Currently Free
Business with 8 yard Dumpster $ 14.00 per pick up
Business with 6 yard Vertical Compactor $ 30.00 per pick up
Business with 30 yard Roll Off $ 150.00 per pick up
*** Vertical Compactors must be rented or purchased through private contractor but serviced through the City of Pigeon Forge Sanitation Department***
***Roll Offs must be rented or purchased through private contractor and are serviced through Sevier Solid Waste Inc.***
Service Guide Lines A service request form per dumpster must be filled out through the Pigeon Forge Utility Clerk 865-429-7375, service request of 1 to 6 days per week Monday through Saturday, routes set by Sanitation Supervisor.
Please do not put the following items in dumpsters:
- Wood, concrete, asphalt, wire, water hose, paint, metal or plastic barrels, any type building material, trees or shrubbery, any type bulk rubbish.
- Any material that could be hazardous or cause injury to the City of Pigeon Forge or Sevier County Solid Waste employees or that could cause damage to city equipment.
- Flammable liquids, solids, or gases such as gasoline, oil, benzene, alcohol, or other similar hazardous materials. The State of Tennessee sponsors a Household Hazardous Waste Day to collect hazardous material in the spring. The date will be advertised. Used oil can be taken to any Sevier County Convenience Center.
- Hot materials such as ashes or cinders.
- Any infectious waste or biomedical waste, call your medical supplier for disposal. Any human or animal waste.
- Automobile parts
*** If dumpsters contain any of these items, the dumpster will not be serviced until items are removed. ***
We haul our garbage to the Sevier Solid Waste Inc. composting facility, for more information visit their website or call (865) 453-5676.
Residential Curbside Collection
Fees $ 4.00 per month
- The city of Pigeon Forge provides each resident with one 95 gallon roll cart. If you need another one it can be purchased through the Pigeon Forge Public Works Office at a cost of $ 71.60.
- The 95 gallon can is for you to use but it remains the property of the City of Pigeon Forge. Each can’s serial number has been recorded with your address, so please take care of it and do not take it with you if you move! Please put bagged trash only in cart. Do not exceed maximum weight posted on cart. Rinsing it out every once in a while helps keep the smell down.
- Carts must be placed curb side by 6 a.m.
- The Sanitation crews have been instructed to not pick up any items outside the can. One of the major reasons these cans were purchased for you was to cut down on injuries to workers forced to lift heavy objects into garbage trucks. Now our semi-automated system does the lifting for us. By placing all of your garbage in the can, it will keep our neighborhoods clean and attractive and cut down on animals getting into your trash and messing up your yard and your neighbors yard. Please do not place the container where it blocks the sidewalk.
Please do not put the followings:
- Wood, concrete, asphalt, wire, water hose, paint, metal or plastic barrels, any type building material, trees or shrubbery, any type bulk rubbish.
- Any material that could be hazardous or cause injury to the City of Pigeon Forge or Sevier Solid Waste employees or that could cause damage to city equipment.
- Flammable liquids, solids, or gases such as gasoline, oil, benzene, alcohol, or other similar hazardous materials. The State of Tennessee sponsors a Household Hazardous Waste Day to collect hazardous material in the spring. The date will be advertised. Used oil can be taken to any Sevier County Convenience Center.
- Hot materials such as ashes or cinders.
- Any infectious waste or biomedical waste, call your medical supplier for disposal. Any human or animal waste.
- Automobile parts
*** If Carts contain any of these items, the Cart will not be serviced until items are removed. ***
We haul our garbage to the Sevier Solid Waste Inc. composting facility, for more information visit their website or call (865) 453-5676.
Yard Waste and Junk Guidelines
- Brush collection and household bulk rubbish (junk) collection generally occurs every week (no particular scheduled day).
Your residential and commercial garbage collection fee includes the collection of wastes resulting from the normal and routine maintenance of your yard as well as bulk rubbish that we accumulate from time to time. For brush, we try to pass by your house at least once per week. Please be patient as we will get to you. For us to collect it we ask that you place your waste at the edge of the street or public right-of-way easily accessible with our collection equipment (we use a large truck with a claw hook). However, please take a moment to look around the location in which you place your waste and ask yourself the following questions:
- Is it blocking a sidewalk or roadway? One of our major concerns is the safety of our citizens and employees. If a sidewalk is blocked, that means someone must walk out into the street, thus increasing the chance of being injured by a vehicle. Please do not place yard waste on the sidewalk.
- Are there electric lines overhead preventing the brush truck from being able to get to your waste? We also ask that you not place it on top of water meters, fire hydrants and gas valves; against utility poles, guy wires, fences or in a place that may interfere with overhead power lines, tree branches, or parked cars.
- Is the brush cut in easily manageable lengths with butt of brush facing Street and no more that 12’ long and stacked neatly?
- Brush over 12” in diameter must be cut in 2’ lengths.
- Brush must be hand placed for collection.
- Brush hired cut or lots being cleared will not be collected it must be disposed of by private contractor doing job, or person clearing lot.
- No remodeling waste will be collected. It must be removed by contractor or person doing remodeling.
- Electronics are picked up separate from normal household junk.
Click here to go to forms.
***Keep in mind that anything placed at the curb (other than the 95-gallon city container) may be recognized as junk, ready for collection. Please do not place anything at the curb that you do not want collected and hauled off***
For more information on any of these services, call Public Works 865-429-7312, Sanitation Department 865-429-7334 or e-mail