Crime Prevention

School Resource
The school resource officer is a commissioned, sworn officer law enforcement
officer whose goals include providing a safe, secure learning environment in
our schools. They also provide valuable
resources to the school staff members and foster positive relationships with
the students they protect each school day, and ensure that those students reach
their full potential.
Providing a School Resource Officer in our schools to serve as a liaison with
the school allows the police department to accomplish our goals of educate,
counsel/mentor and protect. Officer
Brett Maggard works at Pigeon Forge High School. Officer Jimmy McMahan works at
Pigeon Forge Middle School. They are responsible for the protection of the children
and employees at these schools, teaching classes on various topics, making
arrests for violations of the law, and assisting staff with disciplinary
problems. Officers work special events and provide a presence at the schools.
D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, and was first presented by
the Pigeon Forge Police Department in the Middle School in 1992. Officer Jimmy
McMahan currently serves as our D.A.R.E. Officer. The D.A.R.E. Program targets
children before they are most likely to be confronted by their peers with an
offer to use substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and other types of drugs.
Preventing adolescent drug use and eliminating the demand of these drugs is the
goal of the D.A.R.E. Program. The objectives of the D.A.R.E. program include:
Equipping students with the skills for recognizing and resisting social
pressures to experiment with drugs
- To help students
understand and develop their self-esteem
- To teach positive
alternatives to drug use
- To develop students’
skills in risk assessment and decision making
- To build students’
interpersonal and communications skills
- To teach students
conflict resolution skills and avoiding violence
Crime Prevention Coordinator
The Pigeon Forge Police Department has assigned staff members to concentrate
their efforts on crime prevention. Crime Prevention as defined by the National
Crime Prevention Council – 1990 is a pattern of attitudes and behaviors
directed at reducing the threat of crime and enhancing the sense of safety and
security, to positively influence the quality of life in our society, and to
develop environments where crime cannot flourish. Pigeon Forge Police Officers
have received training in Crime Analysis, Code Enforcement in Crime Prevention,
Residential Security, Neighborhood Watch, Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design (CPTED), and many other aspects of crime prevention.
Officers are responsible for promoting and educating the public about Crime
Prevention through programs and training.
They are eager to serve the Pigeon Forge Community and its guests. If
you have any questions concerning Crime Prevention or any of the following
safety programs, call 865-453-9063 and ask to speak with a lieutenant or shift supervisor.
Crime Prevention Programs

- Residential Security Surveys
- Child Identification Program
- Internet Safety
- Child Passenger Safety
- Identity Theft
- Bicycle Safety
- Neighborhood Watch
- Operation Identification
- Active Shooter
- Rape and Aggression Defense
If you are interested in more information on Crime Prevention please visit the
following links:
National Crime Prevention Council
Child Passenger Safety
Trade Commission ID Theft
Security Investigations Victim Notification Program
Notification Network